libc tests based on libc-testsuit by Rich Felker see configure tests: cp dist/config.mak . # edit config.mak build tests: make run tests: make run design goals: - tests should be easy to run even a single test in isolation (so test should be self contained if possible) - failure of one test should not interfere with others (build failure, crash or unexpected results are all failures) - test output should point to the cause of failure - test results should be robust - the test system should have minimal dependency (libc, posix sh, gnu make) - the test system should run on all archs and libcs - tests should leave the system in a clean state framework: the convention is that each test is in a separate file at a path like src/directory/file.c with its own main the test should return 0 on success and non-0 on failure error messages relevant to the test system should be printed to standard out (fd 1) src/functional/test.h usage: use error in tests when possible instead of printf (error truncates the formatted string to 512 bytes and uses a single write call to output it to fd 1, terminating the error string with a \n is the responsibility of the caller) and return test_status from main (set by error, 0 by default) when many similar checks are done, helper macros can be used like #define T1(a,b) (check(a,b) || (error("check(%s,%s) failed\n", a, b),0)) #define T2(f,w) (result=(f), result==(w) || (error("%s failed: got %s, want %s\n", #f, result, w),0)) a simple example: #include "test.h" #define T(c,...) ((c) || (error(#c " failed: " __VA_ARGS__),0)) int main(void) { T('a'+1=='b', "'a'==%d 'b'==%d\n", 'a', 'b'); T(-5%3==-2, "bad mod semantics\n"); return test_status; }