graph: { title: "ir graph of THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main" display_edge_labels: yes layoutalgorithm: mindepth manhattan_edges: yes port_sharing: no orientation: bottom_to_top classname 1: "intrablock Data" classname 16: "interblock Data" classname 2: "Block" classname 13: "Control Flow" classname 14: "intrablock Memory" classname 17: "interblock Memory" classname 15: "Dominators" classname 3: "Entity type" classname 4: "Entity owner" classname 5: "Method Param" classname 6: "Method Res" classname 7: "Super" classname 8: "Union" classname 9: "Points-to" classname 10: "Array Element Type" classname 11: "Overwrites" classname 12: "Member" infoname 1: "Attribute" infoname 2: "Verification errors" graph: { title: "g26" label: "THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main" status:clustered color:white graph: { title: "n75" label: "Block 75" status:clustered color:yellow edge: {sourcename: "n75" targetname: "n76" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n74" label: "End 74" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 0 "color: blue} } graph: { title: "n77" label: "Block 77" status:clustered color:yellow edge: {sourcename: "n77" targetname: "n100" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} edge: {sourcename: "n77" targetname: "n97" label: "1" class:13 priority:60 color:red} edge: {sourcename: "n77" targetname: "n78" label: "2" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n76" label: "Return 76" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 2 return in method of type THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main res 0 type: int " info2: "mymode == mode_X && Result X"} edge: {sourcename: "n76" targetname: "n106" label: "0" class:17 priority:10 color:blue} edge: {sourcename: "n76" targetname: "n103" label: "1" class:1 priority:50} node: {title: "n103" label: "PhiIs 103" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 3 backedges: " info2: "mode_is_dataM(mymode) && Phi node"color: green} edge: {sourcename: "n103" targetname: "n105" label: "0" class:16 priority:10} edge: {sourcename: "n103" targetname: "n104" label: "1" class:16 priority:10} edge: {sourcename: "n103" targetname: "n104" label: "2" class:16 priority:10} } graph: { title: "n101" label: "Block 101" status:clustered color:yellow edge: {sourcename: "n101" targetname: "n102" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n100" label: "Jmp 100" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 0 " info2: "mymode == mode_X && Jmp node"} } graph: { title: "n98" label: "Block 98" status:clustered color:yellow edge: {sourcename: "n98" targetname: "n99" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n97" label: "Jmp 97" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 0 " info2: "mymode == mode_X && Jmp node"} } graph: { title: "n79" label: "Block 79" status:clustered color:yellow edge: {sourcename: "n79" targetname: "n80" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n78" label: "Jmp 78" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 0 " info2: "mymode == mode_X && Jmp node"} } graph: { title: "n81" label: "Block 81" status:clustered color:yellow edge: {sourcename: "n81" targetname: "n82" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n99" label: "ProjX 0 99" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 "color: yellow} edge: {sourcename: "n99" targetname: "n93" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n80" label: "ProjX 1 80" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 "color: yellow} edge: {sourcename: "n80" targetname: "n93" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n93" label: "Cond 93" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 " info2: "mymode == mode_T && Cond mode is not a tuple"} edge: {sourcename: "n93" targetname: "n94" label: "0" class:1 priority:50} node: {title: "n94" label: "Projb Eq 94" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 "color: yellow} edge: {sourcename: "n94" targetname: "n95" label: "0" class:1 priority:50} node: {title: "n95" label: "CmpT 95" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 2 "} edge: {sourcename: "n95" targetname: "n96" label: "0" class:16 priority:10} edge: {sourcename: "n95" targetname: "n90" label: "1" class:16 priority:10} } graph: { title: "n83" label: "Block 83" status:clustered color:yellow edge: {sourcename: "n83" targetname: "n84" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n102" label: "ProjX 1 102" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 "color: yellow} edge: {sourcename: "n102" targetname: "n87" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n82" label: "ProjX 0 82" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 "color: yellow} edge: {sourcename: "n82" targetname: "n87" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n87" label: "Cond 87" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 " info2: "mymode == mode_T && Cond mode is not a tuple"} edge: {sourcename: "n87" targetname: "n88" label: "0" class:1 priority:50} node: {title: "n88" label: "Projb Eq 88" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 "color: yellow} edge: {sourcename: "n88" targetname: "n89" label: "0" class:1 priority:50} node: {title: "n89" label: "CmpT 89" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 2 "} edge: {sourcename: "n89" targetname: "n92" label: "0" class:16 priority:10} edge: {sourcename: "n89" targetname: "n90" label: "1" class:1 priority:50} node: {title: "n90" label: "ProjIs 0 90" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 " info2: "(mode == get_type_mode(get_method_param_type(mt, proj))) && Mode of Proj from Start doesn't match mode of param type."color: yellow} edge: {sourcename: "n90" targetname: "n91" label: "0" class:16 priority:10} } graph: { title: "n85" label: "Block 85" status:clustered color:yellow edge: {sourcename: "n85" targetname: "n84" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n106" label: "ProjM 1 106" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 "color: yellow} edge: {sourcename: "n106" targetname: "n86" label: "0" class:17 priority:10 color:blue} node: {title: "n105" label: "0x5Is 105" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 0 Const of type type_unknown " info2: "(mode_is_data (mymode) || mymode == mode_b) && Const node"color: yellow} node: {title: "n104" label: "0x6Is 104" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 0 Const of type type_unknown " info2: "(mode_is_data (mymode) || mymode == mode_b) && Const node"color: yellow} node: {title: "n96" label: "0x3Is 96" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 0 Const of type type_unknown " info2: "(mode_is_data (mymode) || mymode == mode_b) && Const node"color: yellow} node: {title: "n92" label: "0x1Is 92" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 0 Const of type type_unknown " info2: "(mode_is_data (mymode) || mymode == mode_b) && Const node"color: yellow} node: {title: "n91" label: "ProjT 4 91" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 "color: yellow} edge: {sourcename: "n91" targetname: "n86" label: "0" class:1 priority:50} node: {title: "n84" label: "ProjX 0 84" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 1 "color: yellow} edge: {sourcename: "n84" targetname: "n86" label: "0" class:13 priority:60 color:red} node: {title: "n86" label: "Start 86" info1: "visited: 9 irg: THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main arity: 0 start of method of type THREE_CFPRED_EXAMPLE_main param 0 type: int " info2: "mymode == mode_T && Start node"color: blue} } } }