/* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008 University of Karlsruhe. All right reserved. * * This file is part of libFirm. * * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software * Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the * packaging of this file. * * Licensees holding valid libFirm Professional Edition licenses may use * this file in accordance with the libFirm Commercial License. * Agreement provided with the Software. * * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE * WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. */ /** * @file * @brief Definitions for optimisation flags * @author Michael Beck, Sebastian Hack */ /* * We have 3 kinds of flags: * I_FLAGS are INTERNAL flags: There is only a public set_opt_ function * E_FLAGS are EXTERNAL flags: Public get_opt_ and set_opt_ fucntions exists * R_FLAGS are RUNNING flags: Use only internally in libfirm to indicate running states */ /** Turn off all optimizations. */ I_FLAG(optimize , 0, ON) /** Common subexpression eliminations: Hash the nodes. */ E_FLAG(cse , 1, ON) /** Don't use block predecessor for comparison. * Default must be zero as code placement must * be run right after a local optimize walk with * global_cse on. */ I_FLAG(global_cse , 2, OFF) /** Evaluate operations. */ I_FLAG(constant_folding , 3, ON) /** Algebraic simplifications. */ I_FLAG(algebraic_simplification , 4, ON) /** Use Global Null Pointer Test elimination. */ I_FLAG(global_null_ptr_elimination , 5, ON) /** Optimize cast nodes. */ E_FLAG(suppress_downcast_optimization , 7, OFF) /** Automatically create Sync node during construction. */ I_FLAG(auto_create_sync , 10, OFF) /** Enable Alias-analysis. */ I_FLAG(alias_analysis , 11, ON) /** Closed world assumption. */ I_FLAG(closed_world , 12, OFF) /* -------------------- RUNNING flags ------------------- */ /** This flag is set while the reassociation optimizations are running */ R_FLAG(reassoc , 0)