# Project: libFIRM # File name: firmjni/Makefile.in # Purpose: # Author: Till Riedel, Goetz Lindenmaier # Modified by: # Created: 2002 # CVS-ID: $Id$ # Copyright: (c) 2002 Universität Karlsruhe # Licence: This file protected by GPL - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. # top_srcdir := @top_srcdir@ srcdir = @srcdir@ topdir = .. subdir = firmjni enable_heapanal := @enable_heapanalysis@ enable_libcore := @enable_libcore@ enable_external_effects := @enable_external_effects@ disable_libiberty := @disable_libiberty@ # The library implementing the JNI methods. This name is also # known to the generator for the JNI interface and used in the # static initializer. LIBNAME = libfirmjni.so # The name of the package containing the Firm JNI PACKAGENAME = firmjni include $(topdir)/MakeRules # where to put libfirmjni.so libdir = @libdir@ # where to put the directory firmjni containing the generated # .java and .class files #javadir = @javadir@ @@@ how to specify a dir in configure.in? .PHONY: default all clean realclean depend SHELL_TOUPPER = awk '{for (i=1;i<(NF+1);i=i+1) {printf(toupper(substr($$i,1,1)) substr($$i,2)" ")}}' SHELL_TOLOWER = awk '{for (i=1;i<(NF+1);i=i+1) {printf(tolower(substr($$i,1,1)) substr($$i,2)" ")}}' OFILES = $(MEMBERS:.m=.o) HFILES = $(MEMBERS:.m=.h) JAVAFILES = $(MEMBERS:.m=.java) CLASSFILES = $(MEMBERS:.m=.class) CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/ir/ir -I$(top_srcdir)/ir/common \ -I$(top_srcdir)/ir/ident -I$(top_srcdir)/ir/tr \ -I$(top_srcdir)/ir/tv -I$(top_srcdir)/ir/debug \ -I$(top_srcdir)/ir/ana -I$(top_srcdir)/ir/opt \ -I$(top_srcdir)/ir/st -I$(top_srcdir)/ir/stat \ -I$(top_srcdir)/ir/arch -I$(topdir)/ir/config \ -I$(topdir) LDFLAGS += -L$(libdir) ifeq ($(enable_heapanal),yes) LDFLAGS += -lfirmlower -labor -lheapanal endif ifeq ($(enable_libcore),yes) LDFLAGS += -lcore endif ifeq ($(enable_external_effects),yes) LDFLAGS += -lxml2 endif ifeq ($(disable_libiberty),yes) LDFLAGS += -liberty endif FIRM_HEADERS=$(notdir $(FIRM_PATH_HEADERS)) MEMBERS=$(subst .h,.m,$(shell echo $(FIRM_HEADERS)|$(SHELL_TOUPPER))) MEMBERS += $(IMPL_MEMBERS) # How to pass function pointers? Therefore removed. # irgwalk.h typewalk.h # How to pass function pointers? Or how to obtain them? # Irgwalk.m Typewalk.m # FIRM_PATH_HEADERS=common/firm.h common/firm_common.h \ ident/ident.h tv/tv.h \ tr/type.h tr/entity.h tr/type_or_entity.h tr/tpop.h tr/mangle.h \ tr/type_identify.h \ ir/irprog.h ir/irgraph.h ir/irnode.h ir/irmode.h ir/irop.h \ ir/ircons.h ir/ircgcons.h ir/irflag.h ir/irvrfy.h ir/irdump.h \ ir/iropt.h ir/irgopt.h ir/ircgopt.h \ ana/irouts.h ana/irdom.h ana/irloop.h ana/cgana.h \ ir/irgmod.h tr/typegmod.h opt/tailrec.h arch/archop.h FIRM_SOURCE_DIR_HEADERS=$(addprefix $(SOURCE_DIR)/,$(FIRM_HEADERS)) # hand implemented members IMPL_MEMBERS = Dbginfo.m ifeq ($(enable_heapanal),yes) IMPL_MEMBERS += Heapanal.m endif # The directory containing crecoder.jar and, for now, # remove_cpp_comands.perl FIRM_JNI_TOOLS_DIR=$(top_srcdir)/tools WORK_DIR=. ############################################################################### SOURCE_DIR=sources REMOVE_CPP_COMMANDS=$(FIRM_JNI_TOOLS_DIR)/remove_cpp_comands.perl CRECODER=$(FIRM_JNI_TOOLS_DIR)/crecoder.jar all: classfiles javafiles jni classfiles: $(CLASSFILES) javafiles: $(JAVAFILES) %.class: %.java javac -classpath .. $< # javah renames these files. the jnibuilder doesn't anticipate this # and generates #includes with the original names. Firm_common.h: Firm_common.class ln -sf Firm_0005fcommon.h Firm_common.h javah -classpath $(topdir) -o $@ $(PACKAGENAME).$(<:.class=) Type_or_entity.h: Type_or_entity.class ln -sf Type_0005for_0005fentity.h Type_or_entity.h javah -classpath $(topdir) -o $@ $(PACKAGENAME).$(<:.class=) Dbginfo.java: cp $(top_srcdir)/firmjni/aux/Dbginfo.java $(top_srcdir)/firmjni/aux/Dbginfo.c . Heapanal.java: cp $(top_srcdir)/firmjni/aux/Heapanal.java $(top_srcdir)/firmjni/aux/Heapanal.c . %.h: %.class javah -classpath $(topdir) -o $@ $(PACKAGENAME).$(<:.class=) %.o: %.c %.h gcc $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(OFILES): gcc $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(@:.o=.c) -o $@ # We need firmlower and abor for heap analysis stuff, which is called from aux/Heapanal.java # BY the way, what is ../../sw/lib/ can this be removed? Probaly, so I did. jni: $(HFILES) $(OFILES) # ../libfirm.a gcc -shared -fPIC -o $(LIBNAME) *.o -lfirm -L.. $(LDFLAGS) install: cp libfirmjni.so $(libdir) # mkdir $(javadir) # cp *.java @javadir@ # cp *.class @javadir@ test: jni $(MAKE) -C testprograms test clean: rm -rf sources *.c *.h *.o realclean: clean rm -f *~ libfirmjni.so *.vcg *.java *.class $(SOURCE_DIR): rm -rf $(SOURCE_DIR) mkdir $(SOURCE_DIR) $(SOURCE_DIR)/firm_typedefs.h: $(FIRM_SOURCE_HEADERS) mv firm_typedefs.h $@ ############################################################################### # Get all the necessary Firm headers. ############################################################################### # Remove C preprocessor commands. Overwrite the header files. # This part should be removed if crecoder integrates the preprocessor. FIRM_SRC_HEADER=$(top_srcdir)/ir/$(filter %/$(notdir $@),$(FIRM_PATH_HEADERS)) # recode: remove "a from C code... $(FIRM_SOURCE_DIR_HEADERS): $(SOURCE_DIR) recode ISO-8859-1..ascii < $(FIRM_SRC_HEADER) > $(SOURCE_DIR)/$(notdir $@) perl $(REMOVE_CPP_COMMANDS) $@ # cp $(FIRM_SRC_HEADER) $(SOURCE_DIR)/$(notdir $@) # recode ISO-8859-1..ascii < $@ > $@.x # cp $@.x $@ # generiert leere dateien ;-( # troff -a -C -z $(FIRM_SRC_HEADER) > $(SOURCE_DIR)/$(notdir $@) $(FIRM_HEADERS):$(FIRM_SOURCE_DIR_HEADERS) $(SOURCE_DIR)/firm_typedefs.h gcc $(CPPFLAGS) -E -C -P $(SOURCE_DIR)/$@ -o $@ ############################################################################### # Call crecoder to construct from each header a .java file specifying the # java native interface. Further crecoder constructs an implementation of # the java native interface in C calling the real libfirm functions. # For a file "file.h" files "File.java" and "File.c" are generated. H_FROM_JAVA=$(subst .java,.h,$(shell echo $@|$(SHELL_TOLOWER))) %.java: $(FIRM_SOURCE_DIR_HEADERS) $(SOURCE_DIR)/firm_typedefs.h gcc $(CPPFLAGS) -E -C -P $(SOURCE_DIR)/$(H_FROM_JAVA) -o $(H_FROM_JAVA) env CLASSPATH=$(FIRM_JNI_TOOLS_DIR)/crecoder.jar:$$CLASSPATH java crecoder/tools/jniBuilder/BuildJNI $(H_FROM_JAVA);\ rm $(H_FROM_JAVA); # remove the patched header so that further compilation finds the proper firm headers