14.3.2001 Boris - make dist should create an archive which has the directory libfirm/ as top-level - Datei 'Copyright' oder 'Copying' mit entsprechendem Copyrightverweis *********** old stuff *********** * Problem mit endlosen Schleifen loesen. + if_while_example ergibt Segmentation Fault da Bad Vorgaenger von Endblock. Optimierung des end blocks geaendert. * Automatisches generieren und set_value der Argumente-projs in new_ir_graph * Define and implement procedure-global extensions, e.g., the call graph. * Implement Confirm node: Added by optimization to annotate dataflow edge with information as (value > 0). This improves dataflow analysis. These nodes can be derived from Cmp nodes in conjunction with dataflow information. * think again about implementation of boolean expressions (0<1) && (2<3) * Adapt tv to operate on the new modes, adapt libfirm, e.g., remove strange constructors. * define Nodes for Rotate, Not, Minus, ShrA (Done.) Add evaluation routines to target value, extend optimization, verification to cover these nodes, extend irdump to cover them. * do we need remainder (Rem) operator? different sign handling than Mod. How much processors??? * Turn Quot, Minus into three letter operator. Propositions by Boris, 5.3.2001: + Fehler in FIRM? --------------- + in oo_program_example ist das Feld einfach nur eine entity. Aber alles andere hat einen bestimmten Typ (z.B. method, strct, etc.). Muß es dann nicht auch field geben? Oder werden alle Felder eines Objekts in einem strct organisiert -> HowTo Use FIRM - Doku. ==> Wann eine entitaet ein Feld ist, laesst sich am Typ der Entitaet enkennen. Entitaet ist Feld wenn Owner Klassentyp (oder ev. Struct) und Typ nicht Methodentyp. Speicherbedarf der Entitaet, d.h. ihr mode, laesst sich auch dem Typ ansehen. Manche Typen enthalten explizit den mode (z.B. type_primitive, type_pointer.) Bei anderen haengt die Groesse vom Layout ab: class, struct. Frage (fehlende Konvention): Ist eine Klasse ein Pointer oder immer nur eine Value-Class?? Je nach dem muss man die Entitaeten modellieren: Klasse = Pointer: entitaet kann Typ=class haben. Klasse = WerteKlasse: entitaet sollte pointer mit points-to Klasse sein. - fehlende Optimierung: wenn ein Wert einer Ladeoperation nicht gebraucht wird, dann gibt es auch keine Kante dafuer, aber die Ladeoperation bleibt (unnoetigerweise) stehen. - mit set_optimize(1) geht die Optimierung von if(const cmpop const) unvollständig bzw. falsch [da bleibt wohl ein zweiter Block-Knoten ohne Vorgänger] + Verbesserungsvorschläge: ------------------------ + Knoten im Typgraphen mit Farbe hinterlegen - Attribute im Firmgraphen nicht im Knoten + Kanten je nach Sematik farbig markieren, vielleicht dann auch Knoten (z.B. rot fuer alles, was mit Steuerfluss zu tun hat) + konfigurierbar, ob Konstanten im Startblock, oder im aktuellen ==> geht schlecht. + von Hochsprachtypen loesen? Signed32 statt int? ==> viel Arbeit, nur Namenskonvention. Ev wenn target value modul ausgetauscht. + change impelmentation of type to use concept as in irnode. Three common fields: kind, ident, mode !!! fill mode with mode_none if applicable. + add asserts in type.c that check that proper type is passed. not in get_type_name, get_type_ident. + type / entity not good, too much casts. merge type_or_ent union with type union. ??!! allocate always unions. write access routines for type, e.g. get_type_name. change access routines for individual types to select from union. + Wann macht man Dispatch Tabellen. Lower Phase + integrate irgmod into ircons. The routines in there are only needed during ir construction. (If there are some not needed, remove them.) + Build more structured directoriy structure: ir/ir irgraph, irnode, irop, irmode, type, entity, common, ir/manipulate ircons, irgmod, irvrfy ir/optimize iropt, irflag ir/datastructure array, obst, pdeq, pset, set ir/include gmp, host, xfprintf, xgprintf, xmalloc, xoprintf, xp_help, xprintf ir/compilermodules ident, xx_ident, tv, ieee754 ir/aux irdump, strerror, where goes debug, firm, label, mangle, misc, panic, tune? + Changes to nodes: - SymConst also returns pointer. - Start returns pointer to segment for globals. - remove copy, clear, type_or_ent - add free - add constructor for shrs - remove Phi0 ruins + How shall global variables be modeled in FIRM, if programs as C are translated? Modeling them as entity of the class defined for the file/compilation unit is not sufficient, as then they are not visible from out of this file. For the uebprakt and kirmes we model them by selection from the area that contains all globals (data segment). The pointer to this area is provided by the start node. In Sather these were modeled by pointers to string constants containing the name of the global variable (or static field): new_Const (mode_p, tarval_p_from_str ("VAR_A")) + port transform_node in iropt to lib. + make new Version *************************************************************************** + add attributes from doku to constructors. + add Phi_in stack as field to ir_graph??!! + implement ShrA constructor. What are allowed types? + add type struct + write dumper for type information. write dumper for type and graph. write dumper for control flow graph. + dump irgraph with all the type information. Write function that dumps type information and one that dumps entities. To integrate this separate dump_node and the recursion, and add the dump_type and dump_entity function in the recursive iterator or write second dump routine. + Fix bug in pset/set, so that several tables can be used. iropt/identify aborts. Thanks, Boris! + write example program with irreducible control flow: /* Phi node with three predecessors: */ a = 1 if () goto loop a = 2 goto loop loop: if () goto exit b = 1 goto loop exit: b = a /* irreducible two entry loop */ b = 1 if () goto entry1 else goto entry2 entry 1 a = 2 if () goto exit else goto entry 2 entry 2 a = 1 if () goto exit else goto entry 1 exit b = a + b + entity must be able to take arrays as owner. Anything else? --> assert allowed types. + Alloc must be able to take any type as owner. Also primitive types so that allocation to the stack of dereferenced local variables can be modeled. + Implement vrfy_graph(end_node) that iterates over the whole graph calling ir_vrfy so that the graph can be verified after each optimization. + DONE: Add access routines to ir_graph, ir_mode (?).