libFirm A graph based SSA intermediate representation Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Building and Installation 3. Usage 4. Contact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction The Firm library implements the Firm intermediate representation (ir). An old description of Firm can be found in [TLB:99]. libFirm contains algorithms for construction of the SSA directly from the attributed syntax tree. A set of analyses and optimisation phases is provided. This version includes a complete backend for the ia32 architecture, as well as some unfinished backends for mips, arm, ppc32. 1.1. Features - works exculsively on a graph based SSA represenation up to the code emission. Based on the work of C. Click and M. Trapp - written in portable C. Known to run on msvc 6-8 Win32, gcc on Linux, FreeBSD, Cygwin - includes doxygen documentation - support for object oriented type hierarchies - Analyses: dominance, loop tree, execution frequency, control dependencies, inter procedural call graph, rapid type, def-use, alias analysis, class hierarchy analysis, ... - Optimisations: constant folding, local common subexpression elimination, global common subexpression elimination, code placement, operator strength reduction, scalar replacement, load/store, control flow optimisations, if-conversion, partial condition evaluation, reassociation, tail recursion elimination, inlining, procedure cloning, dead code elimination... - local common subexpression eliminiation, constant folding, constant propagatation, arithmetic identities happen implicitely - extensive checkers - enhanced debugging support: breakpoints on node creation, entity creation, graph dumping, visual studio debug extension - lowering of intrinsics, double word arithmetics, bitfields - backend with SSA based register allocation including several algorithms for spilling and copy coalescing. Instruction and block scheduling, support for ABI handling. - working ia32 backend with support for x87 and SSE2 floating point - unfinished backends for MIPS, ARM, PPC32 - connections to the Edison Design Group C and java frontends available. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Building and Installation These are instruction for the gcc compiler on unix variants or cygwin. You need to have the libcore library and pkg-config installed. 1. Change into the directory containing libfirms source 2. Create a directory named build 'mkdir build'. Change into this directory and execute the configure script. 'cd build ; ../configure' 3. Type 'make' to compile the package 4. You may install libfirm as super user by typing 'make install' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Usage To generate FIRM code from a compiler frontend read the documentation "libFIRM: A Library for Compiler Optimization Reaserch Implementing Firm", UKA tech-report 2002-5. About Firm you can learn in UKA tech-report 1999-14. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Contact You can contact us at