This is a library implementing the intermediate representation FIRM developed at IPD Goos, Uni Karlsruhe. Create an architecture dependent directory (eg 'mkdir i686-linux') an cd to it. Call ../configure with wanted features (see ../configure --help for more hints). Call 'make' to construct the library. This creates a file libfirm.a To test the library goto .//testprograms and call 'make test' there. If you have set up the include and libdir using configure you can install the library and its headers by 'make install'. This is encouraged if the library is hooked up to any other modules, e.g., a front end. To generate FIRM code from a compiler frontend read the documentation "libFIRM: A Library for Compiler Optimization Reaserch Implementing Firm", UKA tech-report 2002-5. About Firm you can learn in UKA tech-report 1999-14. You can generate a Java Native Interface for the library. For this configure libfirm with --enable-firmjni and give the path to the jni headers, e.g. --with-includedir=/usr/public2/java/jdk1.3.1-sun/include/:/usr/ public2/java/jdk1.3.1-sun/include/linux/. Then go to .//firmjni and call make. To test the native interface go on to testprograms and call make test. If you are using the library for heap analysis with libfirm you have to configure libfirm with --enable-heapanalysis. If you use the heap analysis through the java native interface you must in addition give the paths to the heap analysis installation: --with-includedir= --with-libdir= You can also give the paths by setting environment variables CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS before configuring.