cparser A recursive descent C99 parser Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Building and Installation 3. Contact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction cparser is a recursive descent C99 parser written in C99. It contains lexer, parser, constructs an AST and does semantic analysis. It is currently used as a frontend to the libFirm intermediate representation, but can be used independently. cparser is able to bootstrap itself. It currently uses an external preprocessor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Building and Installation Requirements: * A C99 compiler (gcc and icc are known to work). * pkg-config (recommended) * libFirm-1.12.1 or later Make sure you have installed libFirm and pkg-config can find the libfirm.pc files ("pkg-config --modversion libfirm" should work). Use (GNU)-make to build cparser. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Contact There's a Bugtracker at You can contact me at You might also visit the #firm channel on